Proud young child smiling after learning to write manuscript in Foundations A.

A Curriculum Based on the Science of Reading

Our structured approach to literacy ensures that children understand the relationship between letters and sounds and do not rely on "picture guessing" or cueing to read words. Each level of Foundations contains 40 lessons, eight assessments, controlled readers and dozens of engaging games that will help develop a love of reading!

In a University study, Foundations demonstrated Tier 3 evidence.

Integrate an Online Component to Your Lessons

Adding the Foundations Online Supplements can enhance and diversify your students’ learning experience all while making your life easier. Use our planning guides to effortlessly incorporate the online lessons, games and activities into your upcoming Foundations lessons!

Teacher's manuals for the two starting points in Foundations: A or B

Foundations Has Two Starting Points: A or B

Foundations A is for students who are about to start their reading journey, while Foundations B is for those who have some knowledge of phonemic awareness and the sounds of A-Z. Where should your student begin?

Starting at B Assessment Help Me Choose
Young learners immersed in multimodal learning as they explore Foundations curriculum

A Multisensory Curriculum for Young Learners

With Foundations, students develop mastery of core concepts through fun games and a wide variety of learning activities. With scripted lessons and regular assessments, teachers can determine if students are ready to move to the next lesson or if they need further instruction.

Games and activities from various levels of Foundations student components

Games Are a Part of Learning Too!

Every game is designed to help students practice new concepts, develop mastery and have fun with literacy!

Meeting the Standards: Foundations

Downloadable resource aligning Common Core Standards with Foundations lessons

Make sure your students are on track! These standard alignments are designed to help teachers assess students' knowledge and guide students throughout their reading journey!

Standards Taught in Foundations [by State]

"I'm really impressed because she knew some but not all of the phonogram sounds when we started in July and three months in she's reading the little books herself. She can't wait to start Foundations B!"

Shelby Brandes
Resources based on the Science of Reading offered for free to support anyone teaching and/or learning English.

Discover Resources That Will Strengthen Your Teaching and Their Learning

Our FREE resources range from video instructions to spelling analysis tutorials to teacher training to year-round consultants!

By the End of Foundations, Students Will Have Mastered the Five Essential Skills of Reading

Teacher's Manual | Student Workbook | Readers | Foundations Online | Shop All Foundations

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